The "American Dream" Isn't Dead. 10-Steps To Achieve It

The "American Dream" Isn't Dead. 10-Steps To Achieve It

A personal journey, as narrated in my book, echoes the essence of the "American Dream" – a dream not of entitlement, but of opportunity and hard work. Born in Fogo, Cape Verde, I experienced firsthand the challenges and triumphs of pursuing a better life. From navigating the streets of Dakar and Lisbon to establishing a successful career in America, my story embodies the relentless pursuit of personal and professional success. It is a journey that underlines the fundamental truth of the American Dream: it's not about the guarantee of success, but the liberty to pursue it.

The American Dream, often misrepresented in media, is not about material acquisitions or government entitlements. It's about the freedom to pursue happiness and prosperity through hard work and perseverance, as initially envisioned in the Declaration of Independence. This dream is about creating opportunities and realizing potential, irrespective of one’s starting point.

Real- Life Examples: Diverging from Traditional Narratives

1 Luisa’s Story: A single mother who immigrated to the U.S. with nothing, Luisa started a small cleaning business. Through dedication and exceptional service, she expanded her business, providing employment to others in her community while securing a prosperous future for her family.

2. Mark’s Journey: Mark, a veteran, returned home facing numerous challenges. He leveraged his military discipline and leadership skills to start a fitness training program, helping others achieve their health goals while building a thriving business.

3. Ayesha’s Path: Ayesha, a talented software developer from a modest background, used her skills to create innovative applications. Her entrepreneurial spirit led her to establish a tech startup that not only achieved financial success but also revolutionized educational technology.


Capitalism’s Role: A Balanced Perspective: While capitalism is not without flaws, it provides a framework where individuals like Luisa, Mark, and Ayesha can thrive. It is the system that allows for the possibility of success, driven by ambition and innovation. However, it is crucial to acknowledge the need for a balanced approach, where opportunity is accessible, and the benefits of capitalism are shared more equitably.

And one of the most intriguing transformations I’ve observed, particularly since 2010, is the changing attitudes toward socialism and capitalism across generations. As Gallup research indicates, around 50% of young adults have maintained a positive view of socialism over the past decade, a stark contrast to the 34% in Generation X and around 30% among Baby Boomers and Traditionalists.


Gallup Research on Socialism vs. Capitalism: This chart shows the increasing preference for socialism among younger generations

Chart about increase in capitalisms

NORC/WSJ Poll on Belief in the American Dream: A graphical representation of the

declining belief in the American Dream across different demographics.

PEW Research on Wealth Distribution: A chart highlighting the widening gap between the wealthiest and the rest of the population.

10 Steps to Achieve the American Dream

Accountability: Embrace your situation and make deliberate choices.

Shape your Destiny: Take active steps to control your circumstances.

Unwavering Commitment: Dedicate yourself to your goals.

Serious Resolve: Approach your ambitions with determination.

Seek Wisdom: Find mentors in life and business.

Ownership: Invest yourself fully in your pursuits.

Diligence: Understand that success requires consistent effort.

Positive Influences: Surround yourself with uplifting people.

Limit Distractions: Focus on real-world opportunities over digital allure.

Initiate Action: Start your journey with purpose and confidence.


Conclusion: Reigniting the Spirit of the American Dream

The American Dream is not a relic of the past; it's a living, evolving concept. It's about pursuing happiness and fulfillment through hard work, dedication, and resilience. By embracing these principles and understanding the realities of our economic system, we can all embark on a journey to realize our version of the American Dream.

Knowledge is Power!

Realizing the American Dream requires an understanding of its complexities and the commitment to pursue it relentlessly. It's about nurturing resilience, ambition, and a belief in limitless possibilities. Your journey towards this dream starts with a single, determined step.

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This information is general and prepared solely for informational and educational purposes. It does not constitute an offer or a recommendation to buy or sell any security or adopt any specific investment strategy. It's not a substitute for professional accounting, legal, tax, insurance, or investment counsel. While the information shared is believed to be accurate and reliable, we don't guarantee its completeness or precision. The insights might include forecasts, opinions, and discussions about economic conditions, market scenarios, or investment strategies, subject to change with no assurance of accuracy.


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