Our 10 Commandments

Fiduciary Duty Principles™

At Advanced Wealth Management (AWM), we adhere to a set of core values encapsulated in our Fiduciary Duty Principles™, which are akin to our Ten Commandments in serving our esteemed clients. Unlike the routine practices observed in large Wall Street entities and broker-dealers, our allegiance is unswervingly towards prioritizing your interests. Our approach is transparent, dedicated, and rooted in the highest standards of fiduciary duty.

Our 10 Commandments:Fiduciary Duty Principles™

Ten Commandments Upholding Your Financial Well-Being

  1. Client's Interests First: We pledge to place your best interests at the forefront, acting with undivided loyalty and utmost good faith.

  2. Professional Prudence: Exercising professional skill, care, diligence, and good judgment is our norm in serving you better.

  3. Transparent Communication: We ensure a culture of honesty, providing full disclosure of material facts so you're always well-informed.

  4. Conflict of Interest Avoidance: Our operations are structured to avoid conflicts of interest, and we fully disclose any potential conflicts that may arise.

  5. Holistic Wealth Planning: Comprehensive wealth planning coupled with a strive for continuous improvement encapsulates our service ethos.

  6. No Commission Basis: We abstain from earning commissions on investment recommendations, thus eliminating undue influences on our advice.

  7. Transparent Portfolio Management: A clear lens on all portfolios and investments is provided, embodying transparency.

  8. Independence: Our independence from external financial entities is a pillar that ensures unbiased and unadulterated advice.

  9. No Proprietary Products: We steer clear of creating or selling proprietary products, keeping our advice genuine and in your best interest.

  10. No Physical Custody: We uphold a clear demarcation of roles by not holding or possessing any securities, monies, or client assets.

At AWM, Our raison d'être is your financial prosperity and creating a lasting legacy. Our Fiduciary Duty Principles™ are not just a set of guidelines but a commitment to an unwavering, client-centric approach ensuring transparent, personalized, and effective wealth management solutions. In every endeavor, our compass is calibrated towards what is best for you.

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